
The Paul Monroe Leadership & Academic Scholarship

The Paul Monroe Leadership & Academic Scholarship was established to honor the memory of a hero and World War II Veteran. Paul was a son, brother, mentor, father, trustee, and soldier who was drafted in the United States Army during 1942 – 1945 who reached many personal accomplishments. Paul left a great impact on the lives of many he crossed paths throughout his life, everywhere he went, and especially in his church and community.  

Paul Monroe (Veteran) often told people he came in contact with serving as a member in the U.S. Military is one of the greatest sacrifices that an American can make. Not only are soldiers placed in dangerous circumstances, but they also must make a gigantic sacrifice in regard to their families.

The military life affects not only the service member, but also the husband or wife, and children that belong to the service member. They must also make sacrifices by not having a loved one around for substantial periods of time. As a result, the U.S. government has always attempted to help reward service member families with financial benefits in order to compensate them for their sacrifice.

Combat Boots 2 The Boardroom is offering its annual $1,000 scholarship to a qualified seniors. The student requirements include:

– High School Senior of Veteran Parents

– Bryan, Chatham, Liberty, or Effingham County

– Enrolled in 2 or 4 year University or Obtaining Certification/License

– DD214 Showing Dates of Service and Condition or Discharge (must be submitted with application packet)

The student should also plan to pursue a major in a field related to but not limited to Leadership, Finance, Information Technology, and/or Management majors. These majors include, but not limited to, Accounting, Business Administration, Business Leadership, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Organizational Management, Healthcare, General Studies, and Project Management.

Applicants for the scholarship will be judged on several criteria:

– Academic Achievement

– Extra-curricular Activities

– Volunteer Projects

– Innovation and Enthusiasm

– 1,000-word essay.

Applicants do not need to have any prior association with Combat Boots 2 The Boardroom non-profit organization to apply.

Past Awardee

The Paul Monroe Leadership and Academic Scholarship was established to honor the memory of a hero and World War II Veteran, Mr. Monroe was a son a brother, mentor, father, trustee, and soldier who was drafted in the United States Army from 1942 – 1945, who achieved many personal and professional accomplishments. Mr. Monroe left a great impact on the lives of the many people he crossed paths with throughout his life, everywhere he went, especially in his church and community.

Combat Boots 2 The Boardroom is proud to announce Jessica Asplund as the winner of the 2022-2023 Paul Monroe Leadership and Academic Scholarship in the amount of $1000. She stood out among all of the other candidates because of her academic achievement, extra-curricular activities, volunteer projects, innovation and enthusiasm, and a 750-word essay.  She embodies what this scholarship was formed to recognize.

Sophie Ann Riley
Jessica Asplund
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